You can find all our Contact Information here


You can find gift vouchers here

Please note that you're currently in our US store. Gift vouchers can only be redeemed in the store/currency that they were purchased in.


From time to time we pick new tall guys to become models and represent our brand. We tend to choose real tall guys who are 2tall customers, who we feel have a connection with our community - for example someone well known within a sport, or other guys who use their height to positively influence others.

Make sure you’re following us on social media, tagging us in your posts, and show us how you rock your 2tall gear. Just don't try too hard to "model" by posing and pouting, it's not what we're after. Natural is always best.

We will reach out to you if we like what we see.




"Customer" means any person whomsoever who orders Products online and engages to supply the Products online and shall include any officer, employee or agent of the Customer as the case may be;

"" means Retail Limited (registered in Scotland SC401994);

"Force Majeure" means any, act of God, pandemic, strike, lock out, war, act of terrorism, flood, lightening, fire, explosion, earthquake, civil commotion or riot;

"Products" means the supply to Customers by of clothing and footwear and related items;

"these Terms" mean these terms and conditions.

1.2 The singular includes the plural and vice versa and any gender includes all genders

1.3 The clause headings are inserted for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of these Terms.


2.1 These Terms shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Customer, unless expressly agrees to them in writing.

2.2 will not accept any amendments by the Customer to these Terms. may change these Terms from time to time without notice to the Customer. Changes will apply to any subsequent orders received.

2.3 The Customer shall not at any time whatsoever make use of or disclose for his own benefit or for or to or on behalf of any other person, firm or company, any confidential information which he now possesses or may posses relating to the business of or its affairs or of any suppliers, customers or other persons having dealings with and shall use his best endeavours to prevent the publication or disclosure of any such confidential information.


3A.1 When placing an order for any Product, the Customer shall state, specifically, which Products the Customer desires to purchase and shall also at the same time confirm to, at their own risk, their home address, telephone number, delivery requirements and selected payment method including credit card details together with such other details that may be requested at that time from the Customer by

3A.2 Any orders received by after 4pm shall be deemed to be received the following day.

3A3 The Customer can check the status and progress of his order at any time by logging on to's "your account" section.

3A.4 All orders are made subject to acceptance by the Customer of these Terms.

3A.5 Fulfilment of any order for Products is subject to stock availability and acceptance by of the Customer's order. is under no obligation to fulfill any Customer order. Acceptance of the order is classified as at the point that an order is despatched - upto which point may cancel the order.

3A.6 use the technology of secure socket layers which has the effect of encrypting (scrambling) details obtained from the Customer and to protect the Customers credit card details and any other Customer data which is imparted online to shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure compliance with European GDPR Privacy laws. Every reasonable effort will therefore be made by to keep details of a Customers order and payment details secure. For further details please refer to our privacy policy, and our cookies policy. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event the Customer suffers any financial loss as a consequence of providing credit card details and personal data online to, where such loss arises due to the fault of, shall indemnify the Customer for any such financial loss, subject to an upper limit of £1500 or such other figure as may be agreed between and the Customer.


3B.1.1 When the order is available for delivery, will give the customer notice in accordance with these Terms and arrange for the Products to be delivered to the Customer pursuant to the Customers requirements as specified to in terms of Clause 3A.1.

3B.1.2  If the customer is not home at the time of delivery, the courier will attempt to deliver to a convenient neighbour instead, at the sole discretion of the courier.  If for any reason the customer misses the delivery, they are required to contact the courier directly and re-arrange the delivery, or pick it up from the couriers depot. If the customer fails to do this, the parcel will be returned to us by the courier at the customers expense after 7 days. Any refund given to the customer will be less the costs incurred in arranging the reverse logistics. In the event that it's not cost effective to return the consignment to us, the courier will usually destroy it, or donate it to charity.  

3B.1.3 Risk as regards all loss or damage to the Products shall only pass to the Customer when has delivered the products to the Customer.

3B.1.4 If the Products are lost or damaged due to any act, error, omission or neglect on the part of any carrier/courier, shall use its best endeavours to replace the Products with an identical or similar model as soon as reasonably practicable on being notified of such loss or damage. The customer is required to notify within 7 days of delivery if the item(s) is damaged on arrival or missing any parts.

3B.1.5  Delivery can only be made to addresses outlined on the delivery information pages of

3B.2 The date and time for delivery of any Products in accordance with these Terms is not a contractual commitment, but an estimate only. shall deliver the Product within thirty days, unless and the Customer have agreed a longer delivery period. If cannot deliver the Product within the period of thirty days or such longer delivery period as may have been agreed, shall immediately notify the Customer and agree another time for delivery. If neither nor the Customer can agree on another time for delivery, shall offer the Customer a refund of any monies paid to for the Product.

3B.3.1 Products are not delivered on a trial basis. The Customer shall upon receipt of the Products inspect the Products and if the Products conform to the Customers contract specifications, the Customer, or if not aged 18 or over, an adult aged 18 or over shall sign the delivery note accepting the Products.

3B.3.2 If the Products do not conform to the Customers contract specifications, the Customer must notify of any shortages, defects in the Products or any other complaint in respect of them within twenty-eight working days from the date of receipt. If delivers less than the contract quantity, shall use their best endeavours to make good the shortfall to the Customer, subject to stock availability, within 48 hours or in the absence of such stock within seven to ten working days of being notified of the shortfall by the Customer, all at the cost of If delivers more than the contract quantity, the Customer shall either accept and pay for the quantity actually delivered or accept the contract quantity and return the excess Products to forthwith upon demand by, all at the cost of If any Products are proven to be defective and such defects are notified to within twenty eight working days the Product or part thereof shall be replaced within three working days if stock is available or where a replacement is unavailable, the Customer shall be offered an equivalent but not identical product, or shall offer the Customer a full refund, within thirty days, of the price paid for the Product.

3B.4.1 The Customer shall be entitled to cancel any order made with, for any reason, within 14 working days from the day after receipt by the Customer of the Product, assuming that they have been delivered. The Customer shall pay the cost of returning the Products. If the customer wishes, they can use our low-cost returns service in countries where the service is offered. Details and costs for this service can be found at - the Products must be returned in their original condition, unworn, suitably packaged and with all labels/tags in place. For all Products returned in accordance with this Clause 3B.4.1, shall offer a refund to the value of the products returned, or if preferred, an exchange of equal value. If an order is cancelled or delivery refused after it has been dispatched, any refund given will be less any costs incurred by us (such as return carriage fees, or customs charges) in recovering the goods. If it's not cost effective to return the item to us, the courier may donate the item to charity or destroy the goods. 

3B.4.2  Gift certificates are a pre-payment for goods, not a product, and therefore cannot be returned or refunded once issued.

3B.4.3  Where products returned under warranty for repair or replacement and found not to be faulty, the Customer shall pay the cost of returning the unit and any collection charges.

3B.5  Customers may, at the discretion of, be able to place an order for Products which are not yet available for delivery not earlier than six months prior to the date when such products are either due to be manufactured, or imported to the United Kingdom. The Customer shall not be required to pay for the products until the products are available to be delivered to the customer. 

3B.6  Fair Use. If we notice an unusual pattern of returns activity : e.g. we suspect someone is actually wearing their purchases and then returning them, ordering and returning far more than even the most loyal customer would order or the items returned don’t match what you ordered, or where we refuse multiple returns by you, then we might have to deactivate your account and any associated accounts. If this happens to you and you think we’ve made a mistake, please get in touch with Customer Care and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you.

If your account has been deactivated and you need to make a valid return, contact Customer Care. They’ll give you a returns label although you will be responsible for the cost of returning the goods to us.


4.1.1 All prices quoted by to the Customer are in GBP pounds sterling, EUR euros or USD dollars and shall be inclusive of Value Added Tax, except when we are exporting your purchase outside the European Economic Area.

4.1.2 accepts, as a method of payment the following:-

Mastercard, Visa, Visa Debit, American Express, and PayPal.

4.2 Save as agreed between and the Customer, the Customer will pay all sums due under these Terms in full before the Products are delivered to the Customer.

4.3 Prices are subject to change without notice.

4.4 The Customers obligations under the terms of Clause 4 shall not be satisfied until is in the receipt of cleared funds.

4.5 Unless as part of any scheme or arrangement operated by, shall not offer any Customer any discounts.

4.6 If you ask us to deliver to an address outwith the European Economic Area the price you pay will not include UK or EU VAT/TAX. However, you may be subject to import duties and taxes that are levied by your local government once the package reaches your country. Any additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country, so you should contact your local customs office for further information. Additionally, we cannot be held responsible for delays caused by customs.


Any or all statements, recommendations, advice and opinions made or expressed, including any statements referred to or contained, in any website, social media, email correspondence, on-line chat sessions, news groups, brochures, catalogues, correspondence and the like are made or expressed in good faith and on the basis of information available to at the time. No statement, recommendation, advice or opinion or any other communication whatsoever is deemed to be a representation, undertaking, warranty, guarantee or contractual obligation on the part of will not be liable to compensate the Customer for any loss of anticipated profits, damage to the customers reputation or goodwill, loss of expected future business or any damages, costs or expenses incurred by third parties who are not customers. In addition, shall not be liable to the Customer in respect of any losses suffered by the Customer where such losses were not reasonably foreseeable to both and the Customer when the Contract was made and shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the Customer unless such loss was caused by any breach of these Terms or otherwise on the part of


"Force Majeure" means any, act of God, strike, lock out, war, act of terrorism, flood, lightening, fire, explosion, earthquake, pandemic, civil commotion or riot;

6.1 If performance of's obligations are delayed or hindered by Force Majeure the following provisions shall apply:-

6.1.1 will as soon as reasonably practicable give the Customer notice of the reasons for the delay or hindrance. However, failure to give such notice will not prevent relying on the remaining provisions of this clause, and will incur no liability for failure to give such notice.

6.1.2's duty to deliver the Products shall be suspended for as long as the circumstances amounting to Force Majeure continue, and the time for performance of's obligations shall be extended by a period equal to the duration of those circumstances.


Any question concerning the construction, meaning or effect of these Terms, or any dispute concerning the rights or liabilities of the parties under these Terms may, unless resolved between and the Customer, be referred to arbitration, which and the Customer acknowledge shall be governed by  The Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015. Any arbitration process will however be voluntary and the Customer shall not be forced to take part.


Any notice required to be given by any party hereto to the other shall be deemed validly served if served by:-

(a) prepaid registered letter post to the registered office and trading addresses of the recipient or such other address as may from time to time be notified in writing for this purpose; or

(b) personal delivery by hand; or

(c) by electronic mail,

and in the case of service upon shall be marked "Private and Confidential" and for the attention of the Operations Manager. Any notice so served shall be deemed to have been served:-

(i) in the case of (a) above forty-eight hours after posting the same; or

(ii) in the case of (b) above upon delivery; or

(iii) in the case of (c) above within 2 working days.

In proving service it shall be sufficient to prove that the notice was properly addressed and posted, or that delivery took place, or that the notice was emailed to the then correct email address of the party.


No waiver by any party of any of the requirements hereof or of any of their rights hereunder, shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by or on behalf of that party and no forbearance, delay or indulgence by any party in enforcing the provisions of these Terms shall prejudice or restrict the rights of that party nor shall any waiver by any party of any of the requirements hereof or any of its rights hereinafter release any other party from full performance of their obligations stated herein.


The Customer shall not be entitled to use or copy the trademarks, 2tall,, "tall is all" or names used by or copyright works or any other intellectual property either registered, owned or used by without the prior written consent of The contents of website including all images, text and sounds thereon, unless otherwise specifically stated, are the exclusive intellectual property of


The UK courts will have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise regarding these Terms of Use or use of the Website. However, this does not prevent residents of Europe from starting proceedings in their own local courts.

12. UNSOLICITED EMAILS shall not send any emails to customers, except in connection with their order and delivery of the Products, unless the Customer has consented to the receipt of emails from by agreeing to join the mailing list. The customer is free to opt out of marketing emails at any time, by following the unsubscribe link in any promotional email we send, or visiting the YOUR ACCOUNT section of the website and unsubscribing. Please note that if you unsubscribe from our mailing list, you'll no  longer receive promotional emails, but will continue to receive transactional emails, for example if you place an order.


All complaints received by shall be acknowledged within five working days and shall at the point of acknowledgement provide to the Customer a reasonable estimate of the timescale involved in handling and resolving any such complaint. shall keep the Customer informed as to the progress of his complaint.


In accordance with modern practice, our entire site is secure. The padlock in your browsers address bar confirms that your connection to our site is encrypted for your privacy.

We are committed to protecting your right to privacy and only use your information in line with current EU legislation. In placing an order you are giving us consent to use the personal data you supply for the sole purpose of processing and shipping your order to you.


INFORMATION WE STORE ABOUT YOU: We ask for the minimum amount of information we need to enable us to process your order; your name, cardholders and delivery addresses, phone number, email address, and your order details. We also capture further details as required to validate your transaction using the latest 3SDv2 payment standards. We don't see or store this details, they're passed as part of your payment to your bank for seamless identify validation, and are not used for any other purpose.

INFORMATION WE DON'T STORE ABOUT YOU: We don't store your credit card details on our server. Your card details are transmitted via a secure connection for authorisation at the time of your order using SagePay - the UK's leading online card processing company.

WHAT WE DO WITH IT: We collect your email address, your order details, details of the area's of that you visit, which allows us to show you popular products, and tailor the site to your preferences, and other information relating to your order.

THIRD PARTIES: We will provide your name, address, phone number and email address to the delivery courier, for the sole purpose of them being able to deliver your order, and provide shipment updates, such as delivery notification text messages and/or emails. They are not permitted to use these details for any other purposes.

CUSTOMS: If we're exporting your order outside the the UK, we are legally required to supply a copy of your invoice to the courier for them to use to clear customs in your country. We do this electronically when we dispatch your order, as it allows the carrier to pre-clear customs while in transit. No personal financial information such as credit card details are transferred.

RETURNS: If we're exporting your order outside the UK, we will supply your name/address/email and a breakdown of the contents of your package, along with the original shipment details, to our international returns agent, for the sole purpose of documenting any items you may wish to return to us, and to enable them to clear your returns through customs back into the UK. No personal financial information such as credit card details are transferred.

At no time will we supply your personal information to any third party, other than in relation to our contractual obligation to process and deliver your order, process a return and/or exchange/refund.


When you create an account with us, we will only use your email address to send you transactional emails, such as an order confirmation, tracking information or notification that we've processed a refund. We won't use it for marketing unless you specifically ask to join our mailing list to receive news of new products, exclusive offers, discounts etc which you may be interested in. On average, we send 2 emails a week.

Every marketing email that we send contains a link to opt-out of receiving our marketing emails if they are no longer of interest to you. You can also do this within your account on our site.

If you choose to opt-out of our marketing e-mails, you will only receive transactional e-mails which directly relate to an order you've placed, refund you've requested etc.

Our marketing mailing list is managed on our behalf by Klaviyo, a company based in the US, who have been confirmed by us to be EU-US Privacy Shield Frameworks complaint.


We ask for your phone number, simply so we can contact you if there is an problem and we need to talk to you. We will also give it to the courier delivering your order, so they can send you delivery notifications by text or contact you if they can't find your address (for example). They are not permitted to use it for any other reason.

At no time will we give your phone number to a third party, other than in relation to the processing and delivery of your order as outlined above.


In addition to the control you have over your email address on our marketing mailing list, you can ask us to delete your data and close your account. If you ask us to do this, your details will be deleted from the site within 2 working days, and your details will be totally removed from our records 30 days later, at the end of our back-up cycle. Please note that we are legally bound to keep a record of any financial transaction for a period of 7 years to comply with UK tax laws.

We're registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) in the UK as a controller and processor of data: ZA325904

All the personal information which we hold is processed and secured in accordance with EU GDPR data protection laws. In placing an order you are giving us consent to use the personal data you supply to us for the purpose of processing and shipping your order to you, so that we can carry out the terms of the contract between us.

All our staff only have access to your data on a need-to-know basis.

We use cookies on, as they're an essential part of online shopping, and are required to do things such as adding a product to your basket. We also use 3rd party cookies from Google, Meta, Klaviyo and Triple Whale to allow us to better understand how the site is used and deliver targetted advertising. Our Cookie Policy contains more information about our use of cookies, and how you can choose to accept or reject them.

If you have any questions/comments about privacy, please feel free to get in touch.


Cookies are simple text files that are placed on your computer by websites, and are what make them work. Think of them as taking a ticket in a store, they simply tell the store keeper who is who.


We use 4 different types of cookies on our site:

Site functionality cookies - These cookies identify your device to our server, and are required to make things such as 'add to basket' work. We can't use these cookies to identify you until you specifically give us your personal information when you place an order.

Preference cookies - These cookies will remember your preferences such as your country and currency, so you don't have to select them on each page. We can't use these cookies to identify you.

Site analytics cookies - These cookies from google allow us to measure site traffic and analyse how customers browse our products. We anonomise this data, so that it cannot be used to identify you.

Targeting or advertising cookies - These 3rd party cookies (or similar technologies) are used by google, facebook,mailchimp and hotjarto deliver advertsand/or serviceswhich are relevant to you such as the products you've added to your basket but not checked out, and also help us measure the functionality andeffectiveness of our website,marketing and promotions. These cookies can be used by them (not us) to identify you, but only if you have an existing relationship with these companies, as we do not reveal any of your personal data to them. You can choose to decine these cookies, in which case they will not be set on your device.

Site functionality cookies are considered to be essential cookies as they are required to make our site work. Site preference and analytics cookies are anonymous and can't be used to identify you, so won't be disabled if you decline our cookie warning. Third party targeting/advertising cookies from Google, Meta, Klaviyo and Triple Whale can be used to identify you, and so will not be set on your device if you do not agree to our use of third party cookies.

If you choose to set your browser to not accept our site functionaliity cookies, you will not be able to add items to your basket or checkout.

Further information about cookies can be found at the Information Commisioners website here

For more information on how we use your data and your privacy, please see our privacy policy